Why this game?
The idea of this competition, treasure hunt styleThe aim is to highlight the nuggets of the valley. It is also a way of moving away from the world of sport and opening up to other The aim of the project is to provide a different perspective on the territory and to bring together the various local players. By following the posts and articles we publish on social networks and on our website, as well as through personal research or knowledge, you will reach perhaps the goal!
Since its inception, Aventure Chlorophylle has sought to federate white water and mountain sports instructors around an entity, a collective. We are now seeking to extend this collective spirit more widely by honouring companies, associations, artists, professionals and farmers who shape and cultivate the spirit of the valley d'Ossau !
For each competition, we honour a partner who will be able to take advantage of the operation to become better known. Aventure Chlorophylle purchases a "gift" from this partner representative of its activity and puts it into play for the winners to discover....

What do we win?
For this first edition, it is the Brouquets farm which is in the spotlight, and a sheep's cheese tomme to be won!
Who is behind the Brouquets farm?
Sarah and Greg are based in Bilhère en Ossau. They are real farmers in the noble sense of the wordThey are "landscape makers". With their two young children they raise sheep like many farmers in the area. They are an example of local dynamics. They perpetuate this pastoralist culture which has been shaping the landscape for thousands of years and to which we owe, among other things, the formidable biological diversity of mountain environments and this excellent cheese!
How does the game work?
Every time it's different! For this first edition of the competition, it is a "hunting to the photographic treasure trove". The aim is to take a picture of a flower that is remarkable for its beauty and symbolism, but which is little known to the general public.
We have chosen a small orchid endemic to the Pyrenees which goes by the name of "Orchis de Gabas in reference to the well-known village in the Ossau valley. Its scientific name is "gymnadenia nigra", a subspecies of "gabasiana", in other words a variant of "gymnadenia nigra". It is true that it is difficult to tell them apart and we won't hold it against you for the photo competition! The Gabas nigella is less fragrant than the black nigella and has a more elongated inflorescence. You will find it in the high altitude grasslands known as estives, the favourite haunts of shepherds like Sarah and Greg! Another clue is that the Nigritelle likes basophilic (rather chalky) soils from about 1500m in the Ossau valley!
The aim is to take a picture of this lovely orchid and, in order not to cheat, you must have your shoes in the background of the picture!
Then you send us your most beautiful picture by insta, facebook or by mail. The first 10 participants will share a sheep's tomme from the Brouquets farm!
Feel free to comment on how to improve the game or ask for some clues!